And so if I go ahead and render, you can see that all we get is a homogenous color, with none of the wood detail in the map showing up at all, which could be one of the situations we find ourselves in whereby the triplanar map could come in very handy, especially if we have received a model close to a critical deadline, only to find out at the last instant that either no UVW mapping work has been done or perhaps the work has been done so badly or has become so mangled at some point as to make it unusable for a final render. Now, the interesting thing about this particular version of our model, is that it has had all of its UVW mapping info removed. To show how this works, we have a sculpted model in our scene, which if I just open up the material browser using the M key, and then jump into the boost tab, we can see has a V-Ray material applied with a wood map plugged into the diffuse slot, which was not the most common material for this type of sculpt, is one that can help us see how the triplanar map can come in very handy at times.

Another important map available in V-Ray these days is the triplanar option that was added in version 3.3 of the engine.